What are the key points of taking care of acute renal failure?


Acute renal failure is a common disease, mostly caused by acute poisoning of heavy metals and drugs, which can be treated by dialysis.


So how to care for acute renal failure? What should be paid attention to in the diet of acute renal failure?



How is acute renal failure caused?



Acute renal failure (ARF) can be divided into pre-renal azotemia, post-renal azotemia and renal azotemia. Pre-renal azotemia and post-renal azotemia causes are potentially reversible if diagnosed and treated early. Certain renal causes of acute glomerulovascular and tubulointerstitial nephropathy, such as malignant hypertension, glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, bacterial infection, drug reactions, and metabolic disorders (eg, hypercalcemia, hyperuricemia Hyperemia) can also be treated.



Pre-renal azotemia accounts for about 50% to 80% of the causes of ARF, and renal insufficiency is due to loss of extracellular fluid or cardiovascular disease. Post-renal azotemia accounts for about 5% to 10%, and various obstructions in the urination and collection parts of the urinary system are the reasons. The intrinsic renal etiology of ARF is often related to prolonged renal ischemia (bleeding, surgery) or nephrotoxin. ARF can also occur in acute tubulointerstitial nephritis and acute glomerulonephritis.


Taking care of acute renal failure


Patients with kidney failure should pay attention to their usual diet.

First of all, patients should eat good quality protein to meet their body's needs. Milk and eggs are good choices.

Secondly, it is advisable to supplement the calories needed by the body with 35 to 45 calories per kilogram of body weight.

Finally, limit potassium and sodium ions. If sodium ions cannot be excreted smoothly, it will cause symptoms such as high blood pressure and edema. However, when the body cannot get out excess potassium, it will increase blood potassium, which is extremely harmful to patients.


Patients should always observe changes in their own condition. Once there are changes in body temperature, respiration, heart rate, blood pressure, etc., you should contact your doctor immediately.


Patients should avoid using and contacting substances harmful to the kidneys in daily life. Relevant data show that less than 50% of acute renal failure is caused by patients' exposure to harmful substances and drug abuse. Therefore, patients with renal failure must pay special attention in normal times. If they accidentally take drugs by mistake or come into contact with harmful substances, they should seek medical treatment in time.

What should be paid attention to in the diet of acute renal failure?



In daily life, patients should eat more dark-colored foods, especially dark-colored fruits, but also pay attention to some special fruits (for example: grapefruit, carambola, etc.). Why should we emphasize eating dark-colored ones? Because dark-colored fruits and vegetables contain more vitamins and other substances than ordinary fruits and vegetables, so they are suitable for patients to eat.


Limit daily salt and protein intake, because too much salt intake may lead to sodium retention, and excessive protein intake will cause further damage to the kidneys due to overburden.


The food eaten by the patient should be made into liquid food or semi-liquid food as much as possible, so that it can be easily absorbed by the patient and promote the repair of the kidneys.


For patients with renal failure, tea and wine must not be ingested, because after drinking alcohol, the kidneys will share some metabolic tasks for the liver, resulting in aggravated kidney damage, and drinking tea will cause the patient’s mental excitement and affect sleep, which are disadvantages to the patient's recovery.


Remind everyone: in the acute renal failure, early examination and treatment should be performed, so as not to miss the opportunity of treatment.



Source: Rest assured hospital network